Monday, June 18, 2012

Eating out at restaurants

Going out to eat has been one of the most complicated experiences as a vegan.  There is cheese on everything and you have to ask what oils the place cooks with.  I went to Applebee's the other day and they did not have a single vegan menu item.  Almost everything had meat in it and I was so frustrated.  I had to specifically ask for vegetable fajitas and even when I got them there were only red bell peppers and onions.  I sort of felt like I had wasted my money and I will probably not go back there.
So far, the only place I have been able to eat out at that I truly like is Qdoba.  I usually get the rice, black beans and fajita style veggies with some salsa and guacamole.  It is fantastic and it is not that terrible for you!  Mexican food is pretty easy too, you can just get vegetable fajitas (I obviously eat these a lot) and they are very filling.  There are a few vegan friendly restaurants in East Lansing, MI.  Woody's Oasis is a great mediterranean restaurant that has delicious hummus and a variety of vegan dishes.
The bonus side to this is that it has been easier to stay within my budget because it is harder to eat out!
I have also created a Squidoo page to start bookmarking all of my recipes!

I hope everyone has a happy vegan week :)

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