Saturday, June 9, 2012

The new favorites

My first day of being completely vegan went surprisingly well! I did not miss any of the meat or dairy.  My second day, not so well.  My roommates got cheese pizza and it smelled amazing and looked like something I wanted to eat.. So I did.  I now realize that becoming vegan is going to be a work in progress, especially for someone who is a total meat and dairy lover.  It is now my sixth day and I am feeling healthier and more energized!

My new favorite foods= brown rice, couscous, rice milk, hummus and a lot of vegetables and fruits
I have not ever been a huge fan of milk unless it is on my cereal or a splash in my coffee (which I gave up too because I realized tea with caffeine is so much better for you!).  I remember as a kid not ever wanting to try rice or soy milk because my thought process was that if I had to have milk I would rather have the "good stuff".  FALSE.  This rice milk is delicious and it is healthier than regular milk!
It is rough trying to balance this diet when I am always out and about, so it helps to keep some nuts or veggies in a bag with me in case I get hungry while I'm not home.

For people that absolutely love hamburgers, try a Boca burger for a change.  I spruced it up with grilled onions, tomatoes and grilled green peppers with some dijon mustard.  It did not even taste too much different and it looks like a burger, too:

1 comment:

  1. YUM! what a delicious looking burger I cant wait to try one for myself! :)
